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Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson: Edmonton’s Fireplace Cleaning Experts Since 2013

Is your once-vibrant flame now blocked by a pair of clouded glass doors caked by soot and debris? Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson offers professional fireplace cleaning services to ensure excellent performance and unparalleled safety. Whether you’re looking for a thorough cleaning by our certified chimney technicians or DIY tips for daily care to maintain your fireplace between sweeps, we have everything you need to enjoy your hearth appliance.

If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment for your annual chimney sweeping, call Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson at 780-439-2876 today or book with us online.

Napoleon Gas Fireplace Cleaning

How Often Should I Clean My Fireplace?

Maintaining a clean and well-maintained fireplace is crucial for maximizing its efficiency, safety, and lifespan. While a comprehensive cleaning by a certified chimney sweep is recommended annually, there are simple measures you can take to optimize your fireplace’s performance throughout the year.

Daily tasks such as wiping down the glass doors with a proper cleaner will prevent soot and residue buildup, ensuring clear visibility of the flames and consistent heat output. Removing ashes and debris after each use also keeps your fireplace looking its best and reduces the risk of smoke backup or unpleasant odors. By making these simple practices a permanent part of your regular maintenance routine, homeowners can extend the lifespan of their fireplaces and enjoy a safer, more efficient fire.

Why Is My Gas Fireplace Glass Foggy?

The presence of a foggy film on your gas fireplace glass is relatively common so don’t be alarmed. This happens because water vapor – a natural gas produced when you burn anything – settles on the cooler surface of the glass. This condensation can combine with residual elements from the burning process, leading to a cloudy or hazy appearance. Impurities present within the fuel source such as dust or other contaminants can also contribute to this buildup.

Fortunately, maintaining the clarity of your fireplace glass is achievable through consistent cleaning with the right non-abrasive products. We have a special cleaner available for purchase that is safe to use on your fireplace.

How Can I Prevent My Fireplace Glass From Getting Dirty?

What is the point of having a great-looking fireplace if you’re constantly forced to deal with a foggy pair of glass doors that hide the vibrancy of the flames? Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson is here to make sure you get the full enjoyment of your fireplace whenever you want with a few expert tips to minimize soot and creosote buildup on your fireplace glass:

  • Keep up with regular maintenance. Make cleaning the glass a routine – ideally weekly during frequent fireplace use. This prevents a stubborn build-up of soot and creosote from gathering.
  • Seasoned wood makes a big difference. Always use well-seasoned, dry firewood. Wet or unseasoned wood produces excessive smoke and creosote, leading to a quicker build-up on the glass.
  • Fuel type plays a part. For gas fireplaces, make sure you’re using the recommended fuel type. Low-quality gas can produce more soot.
  • Airflow is essential, too. Check that your fireplace has sufficient air intake. Restricted airflow promotes incomplete combustion, resulting in increased soot and creosote deposits.
  • Don’t overload the fireplace. Avoid overloading the firebox with too much wood or fuel. This can limit airflow and contribute to faster soot production.
  • Use your fireplace wisely. Always refrain from burning paper, cardboard, or other materials that generate high amounts of ash and soot.

How Do I Deodorize My Fireplace?

Nothing can bring a quiet evening by the fireplace to a screeching halt like a bad odor. Here are a few tricks to keep your fireplace smelling fresh and clean:

  • Remove ash. Once the fireplace cools completely, safely remove ashes, soot, and debris using a metal ash bucket.
  • Clean the firebox. Use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter vacuum to remove small particles. Then, scrub the interior with a stiff brush and warm soapy water.
  • Don’t forget to schedule a yearly chimney sweep. Schedule an annual chimney sweep to remove creosote and other odor-causing residues that accumulate within the chimney system.
  • Look for ways to promote airflow. Open the fireplace damper and any vents to promote air circulation. This allows fresh air to displace stale, odorous air.
  • Install a fan. A strategically placed small fan near the fireplace can help circulate air and remove lingering smells.

If none of the above tips do the trick and foul odors persist despite your best efforts, call Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson to schedule a chimney inspection at 780-439-2876. Your unpleasant chimney smell may be due to the presence of wildlife or a blockage that needs to be professionally removed.

What Is the Best Method To Clean Fireplace Bricks?

Before you begin, make sure the room is well-ventilated by opening windows and doors. Start by brushing away any loose soot and debris with a stiff-bristled brush. Then, apply our cleaner to the bricks using a spray bottle or sponge, ensuring all stained areas are saturated. Let the cleaner sit for 10-15 minutes to allow it to break down dirt and grime.

Once the waiting period is over, scrub the bricks with a brush, paying extra attention to heavily soiled spots. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water, using a sponge or cloth to remove any remaining cleaner residue. If there are stubborn stains, simply repeat the process. Finally, allow the bricks to dry completely before using your fireplace again.

How Do I Handle & Dispose of Ash From My Fireplace?

Fireplace ashes can retain heat for an extended period, sometimes up to 48 hours after the fire is out. Always verify complete coolness before handling ashes. Use a metal shovel to stir the ashes and check for any warmth or embers. Once cool, transfer the ashes to a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. This critical safety measure prevents accidental fires, as hot ashes can ignite flammable materials.  Plastic or other combustible containers should never be used.

Keep the closed metal container outside on a fire-resistant surface, away from your house, deck, or any combustible materials. When the container is full, consider eco-friendly disposal methods. Wood ash can improve soil pH and add nutrients, making it suitable for spreading thinly in your garden.

What Safety Precautions Should I Take When Cleaning a Fireplace?

Safety is our top priority. Here are a few tips to ensure a safe and efficient fireplace cleaning process:

  • Allow complete cool down. Before you begin, check that the fireplace and ashes are entirely cool to the touch. This can take up to 48 hours after your last fire.
  • Always gear up. Wear protective gloves, a dust mask, and safety goggles. This will shield you from inhaling debris like soot and ash.
  • Pay attention to ventilation. Open windows and doors to encourage proper airflow. This minimizes dust and smoke inhalation during cleaning.
  • Only use the right tools. Use a fireplace shovel and broom specifically designed for ash removal. A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter – designed for ash collection – is highly recommended.
  • Protect your surroundings. Lay down drop cloths or old sheets around the fireplace to create a barrier between the cleaning area and your floor and furniture. This will prevent soot and ash from spreading.
Technician Fixing Fireplace

What Are the Common Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning a Fireplace?

Now that we’ve covered best practices, here is what you should absolutely avoid when cleaning your fireplace:

  • Cleaning while hot. Patience is easier in theory than it is in practice. Never attempt to clean a fireplace with hot ashes or embers present. Wait for everything to cool down to prevent burns and potential fires.
  • Using a household vacuum. Regular household vacuums are not equipped for fine ash and can be a fire hazard if they encounter hot embers. Utilize an ash-specific vacuum or clean manually with a shovel and broom.
  • Neglecting proper protection. Always prioritize your safety. Wear gloves, a dust mask, and safety goggles to keep yourself safe.
  • Improper ash disposal. Hot ashes can retain heat and ignite flammable materials. Never dispose of them in plastic containers. Instead, use a metal container with a tight lid and store it outdoors, away from anything that could catch fire.
  • Skipping chimney inspections. Cleaning the fireplace yourself simply isn’t enough. A thorough chimney inspection can reveal problems like creosote buildup or blockages, both of which are fire hazards. Schedule annual chimney inspections as part of your maintenance routine.
  • Ignoring damage. Cracks or loose bricks in your fireplace or chimney compromise safety. If you spot something suspicious, give Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson a call.
  • Inconsistent cleaning. A neglected fireplace will accumulate excessive creosote and ash, increasing the risk of chimney fires. Make regular cleaning and maintenance a priority.
  • Bad firewood storage practices. Store firewood at least 30 feet away from your home, preferably elevated off the ground. This reduces the risk of pests and moisture buildup, both of which can impact fire safety.
  • Abrasive cleaning methods. Harsh cleaners or tools can damage your fireplace or chimney materials. Stick to gentle cleaning methods recommended for your specific fireplace type. Please don’t experiment with using cleaners you’ve mixed at home.
  • Not reading manufacturer guidelines. Different fireplace types have different cleaning and maintenance needs. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper cleaning and upkeep.

Need Help Cleaning Your Fireplace? Call Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson Today

You can enjoy a worry-free fireplace experience in between your regular chimney sweepings by following the guidelines laid out above. Please keep in mind that these cleaning tips are for maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your fireplace in the short term, however, a professional chimney sweep is still a crucial part of a quality chimney maintenance routine.

When it’s time to book your next annual appointment for a chimney sweep, be sure to turn to the team at Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson. We’re here to go above and beyond for our customers in Edmonton and nearby areas. Our certified technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of your entire chimney system to ensure that any potential problems are identified and addressed before they can cause costly damage or safety hazards.

With Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson, you can rest assured that your fireplace will be safe, efficient, and ready to keep you warm and comfortable all season long. Call us today at 780-439-2876 or reach out to us online.

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